"Eating without crustice will result in regret rather than satisfaction" - Pladough


Rating system explained

Not all pizza is created equal, Sep 10, 2017

I’ve considered a few different options for how to do ratings on this blog. My first thought was to make it based on how pieces of pizza were left form a pizza, with the fewer pieces the better. That seemed a little complicated and prone to be misunderstood. Some people might think if I rated some place as 1 slice, meaning I would eat one slice from there and be done, as being great because I would be showing 7/8 of a pizza and more pizza is good, right?

Next I thought I would base it on full pizzas, where pizzas replace stars in a traditional rating system. That, while fine, is just a generic swap out and the meaning doesn’t correlate to anything in the real world like the ...(more)

Tags: rating

Comments   21955


Review: Topolino, Wash DC

Topolino Italian Cuisine & Buffet, Oct 4, 2017

Location: 6320 Old Branch Ave, Camp Springs, MD - http://topolinorestaurant.com/

I recently had the chance to find myself in the greater DC area, near Andrews Air Force Base, so when it came time to eat I naturally searched for nearby pizza with good ratings and I was led to Topolino Italian Cuisine & Buffet. The website doesn't really make you believe that this place has good pizza - it seems more like an afterthought. The good news is that I've been to several Italian restaurants like this, and they've always had rather good pizza, and sometimes great pizza.

I went on Septe...(more)

Tags: Italian Restaurant rating review Topolino

Comments   1292


Review: Anthony's Pizza

Based on a visit from 2 Oct 17, Oct 18, 2017

Location: Andrews Air Force Base - Base Exchange food court

Anthony's Pizza is a place that anyone who has spent a decent amount of time on military bases is definitely familiar with. It is the AAFES (Army & Air Force Exchange Service) pizza chain, and once upon a time was located at just about every Army and Air Force base in the world. Due to many factors, including bad publicity, a rise in viable options, and a questionable product, Anthony's Pizza is a dying brand. Honestly, I don't understand the hate. Many people dismiss it as unappealing, but I find it to be a perfectly acceptable option. I think it beats the pants off of the chain that is currently replacing Anthony'...(more)

Tags: AAFES by the slice chain rating review

Comments   74458


Review: Langley AFB Bowling Alley

Does the stereotype hold?, Oct 25, 2017

Sure, there is not a lot of a point in reviewing pizza from a bowling alley, especially a bowling alley that isn't even open to the public. But hey, I had bowling league tonight, and I didn't have time to get food beforehand, and they served pizza. So, I tried it, and I'll review it. For starters, the price definitely seemed right. An individual pizza for $4.50 and $0.75 per topping? That means for just over $5 I can get a pepperoni pizza? Sold. Well, the reason it was so cheap soon became clear. I am not sure how well it comes across in the picture, but this thing was tiny. I'd guess it was maybe a 6" pizza. The crust was pretty poofy, making it reasonably filling, but it was not nearly en...(more)

Tags: Langley AFB Bowling Alley rating review

Comments   3


Review: Napoli's Pizza Chips

Trash or... uh... not trash?, Jan 16, 2018

This blog is for pizza and generally speaking that is what I will review, but occasionally I will sprinkle in assorted pizza-related products because why not? Today it is Napoli's Pizza Chips. I had never seen these before and saw them one day at BJ's, our local warehouse store. I figured since I love all things pizza I would give them a try. What sold it for me is that they went to the trouble of shaping the chips like slices of pizza. Those kinds of details matter! The bag was pretty big, as expected from a warehouse store and the price was reasonable - around $6. I don't buy or eat chips/crackers all that often, and to be honest, these were more like crackers than chips, but I figured wh...(more)

Tags: pizza chips rating review

Comments   3393


Review: Anna's Italian Pizza

Old school mom and pop action, Mar 7, 2018

Location: 2845 N Armistead Ave # H, Hampton, VA

Not far from where I work, and a place I pass by often is Anna's Italian Pizza. I had been meaning to try it forever, but it still a year and a half until my wife and I finally did. Walking into Anna's is like walking back in time 20 years or more, and not in a completely bad way. Their website (https://www.annasitalianva.com/) says they have been in business since 1970 and in this location since 1992. The staff was really friendly and the entire place was no frills, but again, in a totally ok way. I ordered my usual pepperoni and my wife got a white sauce pepperoni and tomato. The po...(more)

Tags: mom and pop rating review

Comments   0


Review: MOD Pizza

Yet another quick fired type of place, Mar 21, 2018

Location: 12274 Jefferson Ave, Newport News, VA

I first went to one of these custom-made quick-fired style pizza places back in 2012 or 2013 in Charleston, South Carolina after a race. I thought it was cool, but I did not anticipate how the segment would explode. MOD Pizza marks the 4th or 5th place like this that I have tried, and it might just be the best so far. When you enter, you jump right in a line to have your pizza made to order, just like how Subway makes you a sub. Once done, they chuck it in a zillion degree over to cook super fast and then there you go. The pricing is really simple - pay for the size and type of crust you want and away you go. There is no real...(more)

Tags: chain MOD Pizza quick-fired rating review

Comments   2


REVIEW: Lahaina Chicken Company

They obviously also had pizza, Apr 18, 2018

Location: Honolulu Airport

Airport pizza is risky. It is always overpriced as is all food at an airport, and has a better than even chance that the pizza will not be very good. When stuck at an airport, choices are limited and one must often settle. Luckily, in this case, I was able to find a place that made personal pizzas to order and it wasn't that busy to boot. It was also rather close to where my gate was, so I could easily carry it back to where my party was hanging out. It did take far too long to prepare, but then again, this place wasn't billed as one of those "fast-fired" joints so I guess it was fast enough. When I got the pizza, sat down and opened the box, this is...(more)

Tags: airport Hawaii Lahaina Chicken Company rating review

Comments   3


REVIEW: Harris Teeter

Grocery store chain makes fresh pizza to order, May 28, 2018

Location: 12404 Warwick Blvd Warwick Boulevard, Newport News, VA

Last month I reviewed airport pizza and in a similar vein, grocery store pizza has a significant chance to be especially not great. This grocery store is near where we live and we went to check it out and buy some groceries and while doing so, saw that they make fresh to order pizza there as well as by the slice. It looked a like a pretty good set up and the pizza looked appetizing so I decided I would try it sometime in the future (it was not near a meal time at that moment). Also, on Mondays they had a special for entire pizzas for like eight dollars or something. So I did what anyone would do and went back on...(more)

Tags: grocery store Harris Teeter rating review thick crust toppings

Comments   1


REVIEW: Capitol City Brewing Company

Halloween pizza? Don't mind if I do, Oct 31, 2017

Location: 1100 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC - https://capcitybrew.com/

What does a reasonable person do when they are out of town for a silly conference and they need dinner? Do they eat at the super overpriced and likely mediocre in-hotel restaurant? No way! You look around for local pizza places nearby! Luckily, in this case, there was one right across the street, and as a bonus, it was highly rated as well. So, without any qualms, once I settled into my room I walked on over there and despite it being packed, got a table quickly because I was alone. The amazing thing about this place is that they give you complimentary warm pretzels...(more)

Tags: Capitol City Brewing Co chorizo rating review Washington DC

Comments   2


REVIEW: Ella's Wood Fired Pizza

Rando nearby DC place to the rescue?, Nov 2, 2017

Location: 610 9th St NW, Washington, DC - https://ellaspizza.com/

So, last night I went to Capitol City Brewing Company right across the street from my hotel, but tonight I had to hoof it a little ways to get some pizza. It was around 4 blocks or so, not too far to walk and I wasn't about to take out my rental car from the garage if I could help it. I found this place through Google Maps, just searching nearby places with good reviews. When I got there, it was pretty full, but there was a place at the bar that I could sit at right away and so I did. The atmosphere as nice and the bartender was friendly enough, though was probably not thril...(more)

Tags: DC rating restaurant review

Comments   1


REVIEW: Manhattan Pizza

Regional chain in the greater DC area and thereabouts, Dec 6, 2017

Location: 8365 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA - https://www.manhattanpizza.com/

Spent another week in the DC area and thus was on the lookout for more new pizza places. Driving around in DC and even the suburbs sucks, so the priority was on places that could be walked to. That would also give exercise, to boot, so that is a bonus! There was a highway between me and this place, but luckily there was a mass transit station above it that had entrances on either side so I could use it as a bridge. I love places like this that offer a wide variety of recently made slices for lunch so you don't have to order a whole pizza. I got the two slice...(more)

Tags: DC lunch Manhattan Pizza New York style rating regional chain review slices

Comments   1


REVIEW: Cheesecake Factory

The cheesecake is good, but how about the pizza?, Dec 15, 2017

Location: 1796 International Dr, McLean, VA - https://www.thecheesecakefactory.com//

The last night in DC the wife and I went to the Cheesecake Factory that was really close to our hotel in a nearby mall are that was really nice. This place has a huge menu and I don't always get pizza there, but like most places that offer pizza and other things - I usually get the pizza. The restaurant, as always, is fairly fancy and nice. It seems like the place should be more like an Applebee's, but it goes the fancier route and that works out for it, I guess. The service was good and timely and before long I was presented with the followi...(more)

Tags: chain Cheesecake Factory DC rating restaurant review tiny pepperoni

Comments   6


Ever since a fateful day in the mid to late 80s when my dad said, "Whatever you want" and I got my first pepperoni pizza, pizza has been my favorite food. And that is exactly how I think pizza is best - pepperoni and cheese. Sure, some other toppings are fine from time to time, but for my money, I'll take extra pepperoni.